Rawinder (5)

Bachelor of Software Engineering (AI)

Rawinder Singh’s journey from student to founder of an AI-driven company highlights the transformative impact of Media Design School’s Bachelor of Software Engineering (AI) degree. Through this hands-on programme, Rawinder developed both the technical skills and entrepreneurial confidence needed to launch Revo Tech, where his team now tackles real-world challenges in physical security and transportation


When I began my studies at Media Design School, I had no idea how transformative the Bachelor of Software Engineering (AI) would be for me. Today, as the founder of Revo Tech, I look back on my time at MDS as the foundation that set me on my current path. Through practical learning, real-world experiences, and the constant encouragement to innovate, MDS gave me the skills and confidence to pursue my vision of creating impactful AI solutions.

Building Practical and Technical Skills

The most valuable part of my time at Media Design School wasn’t just learning about AI – it was learning how to apply it. In the Bachelor of Software Engineering (AI), I gained crucial technical skills, like building AI models, developing computer vision systems, and understanding natural language processing. But MDS did something unique: every project was focused on solving real-world problems, which taught me to think beyond code and algorithms. We weren’t just learning theory; we were building solutions.

One of my favourite projects was creating a chatbot for a natural language processing assignment. I wasn’t simply following instructions; I had to think creatively, find solutions, and design a tool that worked effectively. This project didn’t just stay in the classroom – years later, I applied those exact skills when I built a chatbot for a client at Revo Tech. That experience showed me how relevant MDS’s project-based approach was for real-world applications, and it’s something I carry with me to this day.


Real-World Preparation Through Work-Integrated Learning

One of the highlights of my MDS journey was the work-integrated learning placement, which was my first taste of applying AI skills in a corporate environment. My placement with Datacom’s innovation department was eye-opening. There, I worked on a workplace occupancy sensing project, helping the team use computer vision to track and optimise office space. This wasn’t just an academic exercise – it was a practical solution to a real business challenge.

Working at Datacom gave me a firsthand look at how large organisations approach innovation and implement technology solutions. I learned how to work within structured workflows, collaborate with cross-functional teams, and adapt to a fast-paced environment. This experience was invaluable, not only for building my technical skills but also for preparing me for the challenges of running my own business. It showed me how AI could solve real problems, and it sparked my ambition to bring that same value to other industries through my own company, Revo Tech.


Dedicated Space for Alumni Startups

Looking back, I’m grateful that I chose Media Design School for my studies. The Bachelor of Software Engineering (AI) gave me everything I needed to turn my interest in AI into a career. MDS’s focus on practical projects, internships, and work-integrated learning gave me real-world skills and experiences that I couldn’t have gained anywhere else. The opportunity to launch Revo Tech in MDS Studios, a dedicated space for alumni startups, has been a huge advantage – it’s a unique offering that few other schools provide.

To prospective students considering the Bachelor of Software Engineering (AI), I’d say this: embrace the challenge. Media Design School pushes you to apply what you learn, to think creatively, and to work on solutions that make a difference. It’s not just an education; it’s a launchpad for a successful career in AI and tech. My journey from MDS graduate to AI entrepreneur is proof that with the right education and mindset, you can turn your ambitions into reality.

Rawinder (2)