Since 1998, Media Design School has nurtured and empowered thousands of creative minds, sparking their imaginations and preparing them for careers in creative tech.
Our commitment to excellence, cutting-edge technology, and industry relevance has earned us a global reputation as a leading tertiary education provider, whose students and alumni continue to push boundaries.
We invite you to join us in commemorating this milestone of innovation and artistic brilliance, acknowledging not only our soon-to-be graduates but also over two decades of excellence in creative education. Come and mark this historic moment with us and our students to celebrate all the things our community have done, as we look ahead to all of the opportunities that the next 25 years hold!
Friday 17th November; 3pm - 8pm
Ground Floor & Level 1:
Graduate Diploma of Creative Technologies
Level 3:
Bachelor of Art and Design (3D Animation & VFX)
Level 4: