
From Media Design School to Founder of Revo Tech: My Journey in AI and Innovation

From aspiring AI enthusiast to founder of a thriving tech company, Rawinder Singh’s journey exemplifies the power of combining passion with purpose.

Here Rawinder shares how Media Design School’s Bachelor of Software Engineering (AI) equipped him with the skills to launch Revo Tech, a company now at the forefront of AI solutions in healthcare, transportation, and security.

Discovering AI at Media Design School

When I first explored my options for studying AI, I didn’t have the traditional background. I hadn’t taken physics or calculus in high school, which ruled out most engineering degrees. But Media Design School’s Bachelor of Software Engineering (AI) didn’t have those requirements. Instead, it offered a comprehensive introduction to AI and software engineering through a practical, hands-on approach. This accessibility was a game-changer for me.

At the start, I knew little about artificial intelligence. But as I looked into Media Design School’s AI programme, I found myself drawn to the real-world application of technology to solve complex problems. This was the turning point, and it led me to enrol. From the first semester, I felt I had made the right choice.

Practical Learning: Building Real-World Skills and Confidence

Throughout my studies, Media Design School emphasised real-world skills over rote theory. This was a defining factor in my success. Each project was designed to be practical, impactful, and often quite challenging. For instance, we didn’t just learn to code – we learned to solve problems, build solutions, and deploy those solutions in a meaningful way.

One project I still remember vividly involved building a chatbot for natural language processing. This assignment wasn’t just about following a coding tutorial; it was about leveraging powerful cloud applications to build a scalable chatbot. Years later, I found myself applying these exact skills to build a chatbot for one of Revo Tech’s clients, a testament to the practical nature of Media Design School’s teaching approach."

Beyond technical skills, MDS focused on developing our communication abilities. We regularly presented our projects to peers and professors, which honed my public speaking and gave me confidence when pitching my ideas. For an entrepreneur, this has been invaluable. Being able to convey a vision clearly and confidently is essential, whether I’m presenting to clients, collaborators, or potential investors.

Real-World Preparation: Work-Integrated Learning and Internships

The work-integrated learning programme and internship opportunities were other highlights. My placement with Datacom was transformative, giving me firsthand experience in a large corporate setting. At Datacom, I was part of the innovation department, which opened my eyes to the inner workings of a software company at scale. I witnessed how AI can be applied to solve real problems, such as our project on workplace occupancy sensing – a solution designed to help Datacom manage office space more effectively in the wake of COVID-19.

This experience was a perfect bridge between academia and the professional world, easing the transition after graduation. The daily structure, collaborative workflow, and problem-solving skills I picked up during this placement were directly applicable in my current role at Revo Tech. For anyone interested in AI, work-integrated learning at MDS provides a true-to-life preview of the industry and its demands.

The Birth of Revo Tech: Bridging the Gap between the Excitement and Ethical Application of AI

Graduating in 2022, I saw incredible potential for AI to change the world. Yet, when I began reaching out to businesses, I realised there was a gap between AI’s potential and public understanding. The hype around AI was palpable, especially with the launch of ChatGPT, but there was also scepticism and hesitation, largely around data privacy and security. Many organisations wanted to leverage AI but didn’t know how to implement it safely and effectively.

This realisation became the seed for Revo Tech. I wanted to help bridge the gap between the excitement of AI and the practical, ethical application of the technology. Revo Tech began as a consultancy, guiding companies on how to adopt AI responsibly. Over time, we started focusing on product development, especially in sectors like physical security and traffic management, where AI could make a tangible difference. The initial journey was organic, evolving from a vague idea to a structured business model with a clear vision.

MDS Studios: A Hub for Growth and Innovation

One of the best decisions I made was to base Revo Tech in MDS Studios. Located within the Media Design School campus, MDS Studios is a dedicated facility for alumni to develop their startups. For a new company like ours, it’s been a cornerstone of growth. Working from home was simply not feasible for our level of collaboration, and renting office space wasn’t an option financially. MDS Studios offered us a dedicated, fully equipped workspace – for free.

Beyond the practical benefits, the environment of MDS Studios fosters innovation. The space brings together like-minded alumni, and being based in Wynyard Quarter, Auckland’s tech hub, means we’re constantly surrounded by industry giants like IBM and Google. Lunchtime interactions often turn into networking opportunities, and casual conversations have led to meaningful collaborations. This kind of access and exposure has been invaluable in shaping Revo Tech’s direction."

Tackling Real-World Problems: Revo Tech’s Projects in AI and Beyond

At Revo Tech, our mission is to create AI-driven solutions that address real-world problems. One of our most ambitious projects, funded by the New Zealand Transport Agency, involves developing a smarter, AI-powered portable traffic light. This project is helping to revolutionise traffic management by using computer vision to monitor vehicle flow and adjust signals in real-time. The impact of this technology is far-reaching, potentially reducing congestion and improving road safety.

We’re also actively exploring applications of AI in physical security, with a strong focus on holistic crime prevention, and enhancing public safety. By leveraging next-gen AI technology, we aim to develop solutions that not only streamline processes but also promote safer environments in a responsible and ethical manner. 

Why AI Education Matters More Than Ever

Finally, I want to address a common concern about AI potentially replacing jobs. While large language models like ChatGPT can generate code, they’re not a substitute for comprehensive AI and software engineering education. Understanding the fundamentals of AI, the architecture of neural networks, and the nuances of model deployment are skills that can’t be easily replicated by an algorithm. At Revo Tech, we use AI tools to enhance our work, but without a solid understanding of the underlying technology, these tools would fall short.

My advice is this: AI is here to stay, and while its role in the job market will likely continue to evolve, it has the potential to shape future opportunities in exciting ways. Media Design School’s Bachelor of Software Engineering (AI) offers the skills, experiences, and connections needed to thrive in this dynamic field. While AI may introduce changes, it’s more than just a disruptor - it’s a powerful tool that, when harnessed effectively, can unlock new opportunities and drive innovation. 


Rawinder and the Revo Tech team in MDS Studios

Rawinder (7)
Rawinder (6)
Rawinder (8)
Rawinder (8)
Rawinder Graduation

Rawinder delivers an inspiring speech at his Graduation ceremony
