
AdSchool Fears vs. Reality: What It's Really Like to Start Fresh

When it comes to AdSchool, the big question always pops up: “Should I drop everything and go back to school?”

I’ve been there. Trust me, I’ve been there. And let me tell you, just three weeks in and I already know I made the right call. Sure, it’s a bit terrifying to go from working full-time to being back in student mode, especially when you might, or might not, have slightly forgotten how to use certain design tools (don’t judge me). But here’s the thing: you don’t need to be a software wizard when you start. All you need is an open mind, tons of drive, and enough passion to keep you pushing through the long nights (and by long nights, I mean, really long nights). But hey, don’t get me wrong - it’s been a fun ride!

Already, I’ve met an amazing bunch of people from all walks of life, and it’s honestly proven that there’s nothing to fear. You’ll pick things up along the way, and the journey is way more fun than you might think.

Starting a new programme can stir up a mix of excitement and nerves - especially when you're diving into something as dynamic as advertising. So, what did my AdSchool colleagues (yes, we’re basically our own creative agency over here!) think about their first two weeks in the programme? Here's what they had to say:

It was definitely something I was scared about, but was super excited to learn. I did check it out before applying though, just to make sure I’d be able to produce work, and didn’t need to be a master at Adobe.”

I was kinda worried that I wouldn’t have enough skills, but honestly I thought I’d just learn on the go.”

I was definitely concerned about my creative skills not being up to scratch, but so far it’s actually been fine, and I’ll just learn things as needed.”

I actually was concerned about needing to use Adobe before starting, so just took a few months to learn it before class started. But, I’d say the main thing I was worried about was being partnered with someone, I hate not feeling in control. But hey, the panic paid off.”

I’m still a lil bit worried about using the skills, I had a year off using them, and I was also worried I needed to be more creative.”

I actually didn’t expect to get into the course, as I haven’t got a Bachelors Degree, but it’s been super interesting and varied.”

I was a working Mum, so that’s been interesting balancing going back to school, having a full schedule, and getting home to take care of my son, I was also worried about using Adobe having not used it before.”

I think my main concern was finding a partner, I’m so used to independent work, so it’s been a nice change.”

My main reason for joining was so I didn’t have to worry about being unemployed, which was nice to see that this course had such a high employment rate. I can see why though, I’ve already learnt soooo much. Pretty much the only thing I was worried about was finding my partner, aka my work wife/husband.”

As you can see, everyone had their own worries, but here’s the takeaway: there’s nothing to worry about. At AdSchool, the environment is so diverse and supportive, you quickly realise that no one is expected to be perfect from day one. You learn on the go, through hands-on experience, and the collective knowledge and creativity of your classmates.

Alright, before we wrap this up, let me throw in my two cents - because, why not? In just the first three weeks of this course, I've already rubbed elbows with a ton of industry pros and soaked up some serious knowledge. It's been nothing short of awesome! But here's the kicker - skills might come and go, but Advertising? It's all about the ideas. And when you're surrounded by a group of creatives, well, let's just say the ideas practically start spilling out.

So, if you’re thinking about joining, know this: we’re all learning together, and the journey is way more about progress than perfection.

AdSchool Anon x


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