Applying For Your Student Loan or Allowance
Applying for a student loan or allowance can seem overwhelming, but with the right information in mind, you can ensure a smooth process. Here’s everything you need to know to get started on your application for the 2025 academic year.
You’ll need two important dates for the application - the year 1 start date of 17 February 2025 for our Bachelor qualifications and Digital Creativity Foundation, and the end date of 14 November 2025.
Useful things to know about your student loan or allowance
- There can be a delay of at least 2 weeks from when StudyLink asks Media Design School to confirm your enrolment and fee information and when they release the fees payment.
- Media Design School is limited in what information we are allowed to provide to StudyLink about you without your permission, and we cannot include information about your fees unless StudyLink specifically requests this information. The sharing of information is dependent on the selections that you made on your student loan application with StudyLink.
- Media Design School makes every attempt to provide updated information to StudyLink.
- If you have made changes to your enrolment before the enrolment deadline, it is possible that there have been additional charges added to your account that StudyLink are not aware of.
- A Verification of Study is sent to Media Design School. The process for this request is an automated process that takes place overnight. This means that if StudyLink sends a Verification of Study request to Media Design School today, we will receive it in the morning of the next working day. We generally respond to requests the same day that they are received.
It is important to remember that you are responsible for ensuring your fees are paid on time, including payment via StudyLink.
For a step-by-step guide to the student loan and allowance application process, please visit StudyLink's Apply online page.
Applying for your student loan/allowance
First time applications
Before applying, make sure that you check your eligibility for Fees Free Study by visiting Fees Free’s Are you thinking about starting tertiary education? page.
Make sure you apply for your student loan/allowance by 16 December to ensure your loan is approved before the fees due date.
When applying for a student loan for the first time, you need to fill out the hardcopy StudyLink application and sign the contract provided by StudyLink, as a signature is required. Thereafter, you can accept future StudyLink contracts online via MyStudylink.
For a step-by-step guide to the student loan and allowance application process, please visit StudyLink's Apply online for first-time students page.
Returning applications
If you are re-applying for your student loan/allowance, please make sure to apply before the application closing date, 16 December. If you are applying as a returning applicant, you can accept future StudyLink contracts online via MyStudylink.
Your application may be assessed in a shorter amount of time as a returning student loan/allowance applicant.
For a step-by-step guide to the student loan and allowance application process, please visit StudyLink's Completing a returning application.
To receive regular updates from StudyLink, you may want to register for MyStudyLink.
MyStudyLink is StudyLink's online service that allows you to view your applications whenever you want. It is usually quicker to check your details this way.
This gives you an opportunity to keep tabs and receive up to date information on your student loan or allowance application.
For more information, please see MyStudyLink.
Requesting StudyLink to pay your fees
If you do not tick the box Pay My Fees on your application form, StudyLink are unable to request your course and fees information from the University. This delays the payment of your fees.
Your fees are due on the first day of the semester for your courses or on the day you enrolled (whichever is later). If you don't pay your fees on time, you may be liable for a Late Payment Fee of NZ$120.00. This fee cannot be paid for by StudyLink.
It is your responsibility to make sure your fees are paid on time.
To check the status of your loan application or StudyLink payment, please visit StudyLink's contact us page.
Checking the status of your loan application
If you have applied already, you can keep up to date on your application’s assessment through your RealMe account.
If you don’t have a RealMe account and applied for your student loan, please contact StudyLink.