Creative Advertising end of year show attracts abundance of creative directors
CCOs, ECDs, CDs, ACDs, CDs, whatever the title, it was heartening to see so many industry creatives all cramming in together into the Upstairs Bar at Talulah to check out the AdSchool’s student portfolios.
The annual Creative Advertising End of Year Show was a whirlwind affair from start to finish with excitement sky-high as students were able to showcase their creative minds and chaotic ideas to some of the best in the business.
The highlight for most students, aside from the countless contentions for awards from live briefs throughout the year, this was the moment where they were validated and challenged on their polished and perfected ideas, crafted with love, torment and tenacity.
For many it was a cathartic moment and a way to remind themselves to continue pushing, striving for greatness and the high that only the Creative Advertising industry can provide.
Kate Humphries - AdSchool programme director
Says Kate Humphries, the programme director for AdSchool:
“With so many of you in the same room at once, some had to patiently wait their turn to see the books, so a big thank you to all those CDS including Lisa Fedyszyn, Jonno McMahon, Stu Mallarkey, Dave Shirley, Tom Johnson, Matty Burton, Gary Steele, Haydn Kerr, Freddie Coltart, Rory McKechnie, Simon Vicars, Hadleigh Sinclair, Duncan Bone, Nick Worthington, Toby Talbot, Kristal Knight, Damon Stapleton, Christie Cooper, Mick Stalker, Angus Hennah, Scott Maddocks, Matt Sellars, Rich Robson and Will McDonald (standing in for Sam Stuchbury) for coming along to do more work after work on a rainy Thursday evening.
“For creating a situation in which there were more CDs per pound than MDS has ever had in the one room before, some congrats are in order for Phoebe Rooney & Bella Griffiths, the team who came up with the classified invites to the show (and thanks once again to Graeme Dolan and Margaret Hawker from NZME for helping to making that invite happen). Other congrats also to Anja Pienaar & David Gillard, the team behind the client reminder for agencies to come to the show, and to clients Annemarie Browne (chief marketing officer, Lotto NZ); Glen Gibbons (creative director, Kathmandu); Ally Young (brand marketing, Spark NZ), and Michael Wood, (head of brand and marketing, Frank Energy) a big thank you for being such good sports by ‘strongly encouraging’ your agencies to attend our show.
“A huge cheer to the mentors that helped every one of our students to sharpen up their thinking over the last 10 weeks, you are too numerous to mention here, but you know who you are, and every single one of you is a legend.
“And a standing ovation to our final industry panel of Corey Chalmers (Young & Shand), Christie Cooper, James Conner, Liz Richards, Nick Dellabarca (The Monkeys), Rory Mckechnie, Wihan Meerholz (DDB Aotearoa), Ashwin Gopal (TBWA), Anna Yates (Stanley St), Tim Gavriel, and Aaron Carbines (FCB) for whipping through all the portfolios last week and giving such invaluable feedback.
“Anyone who missed out on the show please message me at and I’ll send a few portfolios through.”
Original Article via Campaign Brief

Media Design School was grateful for the many industry creatives, resulting in the most CDs per pound at an MDS show so far, who took time to do 'more work after work' and open the door for the MDS Creative Advertising students.

Bella Griffiths and Phoebe Rooney
The mastermind duo behind the cheeky traditional callout of using the Classified section of the NZ Herald to personally invite a number of Creative Directors for the Advertising industry.

Georgia Henare and Jess Garrick
These two were thrilled to have impressed many of the attending creative directors, including those from their dream agency, and have already been contacted for further chats!

Robert Laking and Herman Ulberg
Just one example of MDS's CA students' exceptional talent, Robert and Herman aka 'Robot and Human' were snapped up by DDB Aotearoa, NZ's largest agency, for a 3 month internship a mere two days after the show.