
Embracing AI: Future-Proofing Creative Tech Careers at Media Design School

At Media Design School, we view AI as a powerful tool that is transforming the creative industries for the better. Rather than seeing it as a disruptive force, we're embracing AI as an exciting opportunity to enhance creativity, streamline workflows, and open up new career paths for our students.

By integrating AI across our curriculum, MDS ensures that graduates are not only prepared for the current job market but also for the future, where AI fluency will be a key advantage. We're leading the charge, being one of the first to offer a specialised qualification in AI, and equipping our students with the skills they need to thrive in an AI-augmented world.

AI Won’t Take Your Job, But the Person Using AI Will

AI has brought a significant shift to industries, but it’s important to understand that AI is a tool - one that enhances human capabilities rather than replaces them. At MDS, we’re encouraging all our students to become AI-fluent to future-proof their careers. The feedback we receive from industry professionals is clear: “We expect your students to be fluent in all the AI tools.” As such, experimentation and AI integration are now baked into our courses across disciplines.

As some media predictions about AI eliminating creative jobs spark public concerns, we counter with the fact that AI is amplifying creativity. As Cyril Foiret, Founder of generative AI studio Maison Meta, stated: 

AI is such a powerful tool that is amplifying creativity. People thinking jobs are going to reduce shouldn’t think like that. We all just need to get accustomed to the tools, but if it is just a tool without a person behind it, it’s of no use.” 

The focus, therefore, isn’t on AI replacing artists or designers but on how these professionals can wield AI to push their creative boundaries further.

Bachelor of Media Design 

The Bachelor of Media Design at MDS has largely embraced AI, with generative tools already integrated into popular design software such as Photoshop. AI in design isn’t something that’s going away; it’s transforming workflows and even opening up new career opportunities. However, it’s important to note that design will always require human creativity, and generative AI serves to enhance that rather than replace it. Our courses focus on empowering students with core creative skills, where AI becomes a tool that elevates their craft. In fact, at a recent Techweek, industry experts including MDS faculty discussed the role of AI in design, highlighting its positive influence on workflow efficiencies and creative opportunities. Watch the talk here.

AI in Game Development

AI is revolutionising the gaming industry in profound ways. From debugging code to ideating and creating mood boards, AI is increasingly becoming part of the workflow, but it’s not replacing artists and programmers. Instead, it’s helping them work more efficiently. For instance, large language models help with understanding complex concepts, while AI-powered tools in software like Photoshop assist in speeding up mundane tasks like background removal or generative fill.

However, AI-generated art or code on its own won’t land you a job. What studios and employers want are well-rounded artists and programmers who understand their craft and can use AI as one tool among many to enhance their work. The core competencies gained in a bachelor’s degree, such as programming, 3D modelling, and level design, remain just as important as ever. AI is simply an added tool to their arsenal, and MDS students are well-equipped to use it to their advantage without losing the essential skills that studios expect.

3D Animation & VFX: Crafting Careers, Not Replacing Them

In the world of 3D animation and VFX, AI is boosting efficiency and reducing production times, but it isn’t replacing creative professionals. At MDS, we’re embracing AI as a support mechanism, allowing our students to push the boundaries of their creative vision without the fear of job loss. The core skills taught in our 3D Animation and VFX programmes - such as modelling, animation, and compositing - are still essential in this AI-driven era.

As AI becomes more integrated into these workflows, the potential for expanding creative possibilities only grows. Rather than being a threat, AI enhances the artist’s ability to create high-quality, engaging content more efficiently. Understanding these core skills in conjunction with AI tools is essential, ensuring our graduates can leverage technology like Sora and other AI innovations to their advantage.

Public and Industry Perception: The Balance Between Optimism and Caution

While AI’s capabilities have created excitement in the tech and education sectors, public perception ranges from optimistic to cautious. There are concerns about AI threatening jobs, deteriorating human creativity, and infringing on intellectual property rights. For many, AI represents a double-edged sword, raising both enthusiasm and scepticism.

At MDS, we acknowledge these concerns but also recognise the industry’s ongoing evolution. Public platforms like ArtStation, for example, have introduced tags to differentiate AI-generated content from human-created work. Some competitions outright ban the use of AI, aiming to preserve human ingenuity. In the gaming industry, platforms like Valve have implemented policies requiring the disclosure of AI use, further illustrating the caution around AI's impact. However, this doesn’t mean the technology will be sidelined. It’s about finding an ethical, balanced approach—one that enhances but doesn’t replace creativity.

Looking Forward: MDS and the AI-Driven Future

As we continue to explore the potential of AI, Media Design School is focused on equipping students with the skills needed to navigate this evolving landscape. The future may bring changes to job roles, but AI will not replace the need for skilled artists, designers, and programmers. Instead, those who can master AI tools while retaining core creative and technical skills will be in the strongest position to succeed.

At MDS, we're preparing our students for this future - one where AI is a key asset, not a threat. Our graduates are learning to harness AI to push boundaries, explore new creative possibilities, and ensure their skillsets remain relevant in a rapidly evolving industry.

Design in the Age AI

Watch: Industry experts including MDS faculty discuss the role of AI in design, its influence on workflow efficiencies and creative opportunities.

Ai course

Media Design School developed the 1st Bachelor’s degree in New Zealand to specialise in Artificial Intelligence
