
How our Motion Design Students Are Helping NZ Rugby Break into the American Market

At Media Design School, our philosophy is centred on providing students with hands-on experiences that prepare them for successful careers in creative industries. A recent collaboration with New Zealand Rugby (NZR) is just one of many instances showing how our students are gaining industry insight and gaining hands-on job-ready experience.

In a bid to expand the sport’s fan base globally, NZR has set its sights on a unique challenge: introducing American football (NFL) fans to the world of rugby. Enter our Year Two Motion Design students from the Bachelor of Media Design programme, who took on the live brief of crafting a series of reels tailored to inform and transition NFL enthusiasts into rugby fandom, with explainer videos be used on social media ahead of a planned tour of the US by the All Blacks.

Guided by Motion Design Lecturer William Kusuma, our Motion Design students set out to create content that simplifies the game of rugby for U.S. audiences. The aim was clear: make rugby’s rules make sense by comparing them to American football. NZR, who briefed in the project, attended live presentations of the students’ work in progress over 8 weeks. 

For these students, it was more than just an assignment; it was an opportunity to engage with an internationally recognised organisation and help to make a difference. The initiative highlights the value Media Design School puts on the mix of education and industry, providing our students the head start they need in building their careers and gaining confidence in their work.

As Jim Murray, Programme Director for the Bachelor of Media Design at Media Design School put it: “We all know the All Blacks are legends, turns out the good people at NZR are too.”

We thank Mac Leesburg and all the good people at New Zealand Rugby for supporting our students here at Media Design School, for giving them a unique and special opportunity, and congratulate the students and William Kusuma for the hard work and innovation they’ve demonstrated. 

Their contribution to this project showcases not only the talent within our school but also the strength of collaboration between industry and education. Media Design School and NZR look forward to the flood of American fans that this project may bring!

Watch the first episode and see the work of our talented Motion Design students!

NZR Motion Design
Media Design School partnered with New Zealand rugby to help introduce America to the game

We look forward to the next episodes of this exciting collaboration
