Student Blog - Reflecting Back on One Torrens Summit 2020
Joshua Robinson, MDS Student and Creator of 'Home', takes over the MDS Blog to share his experience at One Torrens 2020.
Joshua Robinson recently returned home to New Zealand after an immersive week at Torrens University’s annual leader’s summit. A day or so later at the Academy Awards in his Oscars acceptance speech NZ film maker Taika Waititi declared "I dedicate this to all the indigenous kids in the world who want to do art and dance and write stories. We are the original storytellers and we can make it here as well."
It was timely. Joshua had just been reflecting…
So I’m back home and I have no idea where to begin when it comes to the One Torrens Summit.
I don’t think I’ve really come to terms with all the amazing things that I experienced this one week in Adelaide. Starting off Day One with an awesome entrance of sitting in the stands at the Adelaide Oval, watching an almost movie like trailer to the One Torrens Summit. Hilarious. Moving. Just all around ANZ goodness.
It was amazing getting up on stage with three awesome people (Luiz Bispo, Paul Grainger and Christina Hewawissa) who have so much ahead of them and are destined for greatness! I was grateful to be standing next to them and getting a standing ovation. I could see what Torrens is creating and planning for their students. They’re creating success and planning a better future.
Listening to Bryce [Ives] - a hilarious host - was probably one of my main highlights of the week. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a host who is so captivating and can manage an event like that. Food was beautiful. The view from the venue was outstanding and the organisation felt like a family.
It was also an honour to screen my short film “Home” in front of all these people in the evening, although I think I might have to get back at Bryce for making me cry on stage because now my mum has it all over social media and won’t let it go, LoL.
I was amazed by the talent of the 4 people I stood on stage with - Ali Cowley, Nikau Cowley, Christina Hewawissa and Phoebe Perkins. You guys have amazing talent and I hope the best for you all. What an awesome way to end the first night of the One Torrens Summit.
Besides that, the reaction from all these amazing people that I have come to know of was inspiring. I’m glad I could touch everyone’s heart and raise awareness to a problem that needs to be sorted out so that kids who are suffering don’t have to struggle with the pain and trauma that is left from family violence.
To everyone who welcomed me and was inspired by “Home” I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. You don’t know how much it means. I wish I could have said the words I wanted to say on stage but I’ll leave it all here.
I want to thank the staff of Media Design School who looked after me and made sure I was okay this past week. I don’t think I could ask for a better bunch of people to be around. I received life advice from them on how to better my career, stay on my path to success and learning how to connect with my culture.
I want to thank Torrens University for giving me this opportunity to share my story and include me into this fantastic event, where I had the chance of meeting all kinds of people with different backgrounds. Hopefully in a few years I can come back to the next summit with an Oscar in my hand.
Media Design School student Joshua Robinson is the creator of ‘Home’ an animation which premiered at the Maoriland Film Festival and screened at the imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival in Toronto in 2019. Joshua attended the One Torrens Summit from February 4 to February 6 in Adelaide, South Australia.